object AdptOn: TAdptOn Left = 275 Top = 175 Width = 385 Height = 260 Caption = 'Adopt on other controls' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] FormStyle = fsMDIChild Position = poScreenCenter Visible = True OnClose = FormClose PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Label1: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 4 Width = 361 Height = 69 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Caption = 'The Controls TMainMenu, TMenuItem, TTabSet, TPopupMenu, TListBox' + ', TComboBox and TRadioGroup can be used to select or display lan' + 'guages without writing a single line of code.' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False end object MultLang1: TMultLang Left = 332 Top = 52 Width = 41 Height = 22 AlignIcon = alLeft AlignText = alLeft IconMargin = 1 ItemHeight = 16 Items.Strings = ( 'English' 'Swedish') ShowIcons = False Text = 'English' ResizeIcon = False TextMargin = 5 AdoptOn = TabSet1 DefaultLanguage = 'English' LanguageFile = '%EXEPath%Mdiapp.lan' LanguagesData = {} end object ListBox1: TListBox Left = 132 Top = 128 Width = 97 Height = 85 Color = clBtnFace ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 1 Visible = False end object MultLang2: TMultLang Left = 108 Top = 92 Width = 145 Height = 22 AlignIcon = alLeft AlignText = alCenter Color = clBtnFace IconMargin = 1 ItemHeight = 16 Items.Strings = ( 'TTabSet' 'TComboBox' 'TRadioGroup' 'TListBox') ShowIcons = False Text = 'TTabSet' ResizeIcon = False TextMargin = 5 Visible = True DefaultLanguage = 'English' OnTranslated = MultLang2Translated LanguagesData = { 0637323836343201000100000000000754546162536574000001000000010009 54436F6D626F426F7800000100000002000B54526164696F47726F7570000001 000000030008544C697374426F78000000000100010003000454727565084C69 7374426F78310756697369626C65FFFF0100010003000546616C736509436F6D 626F426F78310756697369626C65FFFF0100010003000546616C736507546162 536574310756697369626C65FFFF0100010003000546616C73650B526164696F 47726F7570310756697369626C65FFFF0100010001000546616C7365084C6973 74426F78310756697369626C65FFFF010001000100045472756509436F6D626F 426F78310756697369626C65FFFF0100010001000546616C7365075461625365 74310756697369626C65FFFF0100010001000546616C73650B526164696F4772 6F7570310756697369626C65FFFF0100010002000546616C7365084C69737442 6F78310756697369626C65FFFF0100010002000546616C736509436F6D626F42 6F78310756697369626C65FFFF0100010002000546616C736507546162536574 310756697369626C65FFFF01000100020004547275650B526164696F47726F75 70310756697369626C65FFFF0100010000000546616C7365084C697374426F78 310756697369626C65FFFF0100010000000546616C736509436F6D626F426F78 310756697369626C65FFFF010001000000045472756507546162536574310756 697369626C65FFFF0100010000000546616C73650B526164696F47726F757031 0756697369626C65FFFF0000} end object ComboBox1: TComboBox Left = 108 Top = 128 Width = 145 Height = 21 Style = csDropDownList Color = clBtnFace ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 3 Visible = False end object TabSet1: TTabSet Left = 88 Top = 128 Width = 185 Height = 21 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Tabs.Strings = ( 'English' 'Swedish') TabIndex = 0 end object RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup Left = 120 Top = 128 Width = 121 Height = 81 Caption = 'Languages' TabOrder = 5 Visible = False end end